
An exhibition featuring over 400 pieces and sets of Dehua porcelain, also known in French as "Blanc de Chine," openson Aug 26, 2023, at the National Museum of China in Beijing.[Photo/Xinhua]一场展出400多件德化瓷器的展览将在北京中国国家博物馆开幕。

An exhibition featuring over 400 pieces and sets of Dehua porcelain, also known in French as "Blanc de Chine," kicked off Saturday at the National Museum of China in Beijing.

近日,“中国白——德化白瓷展”在中国国家博物馆开幕,本次展览展出400余件组德化白瓷作品。德化瓷器在法语中也被称为“Blanc de Chine”。

Located in East China"s coastal province of Fujian, Dehua is famous for its centuries-old legacy of white porcelain production. Dehua ceramics were exported overseas during as early as the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). To this day, the county remains one of China"s largest producers and exporters of porcelain craftwork.


The exhibition will last for three months. The ceramics on display include both relics and contemporary and modern artworks produced in Dehua kilns.


Source: Xinhua/chinadaily

Editor: Chen Dawei

Senior Editor: PangBo
